lunedì 17 marzo 2008



Picture on exibition 2008

Neopostidealismo and Peace
H.H.Dalai Lama Holy-mpiades Peace winer
Art Exposition in Palazzo Opesso Chieri 2008
Let's speak of it: the evolution of postidealismo self-feconds in the neopostidealismo Kajatiano. From Kierkegard, Fuerbach, Marx, Nietzche, Dilthey, Husserl, Heidegger the superposable sense is tangled in the sense of self. "The essence resides in the existence" said Heidegger; we enter therefore the sincere existence to deduce the dialectical essence of the existential comparison. The ethical values wear the chameleontic dress of banality to conceal to the superficial eyes, of the tireless and fagocytic athymic mechanisms. Pompous information exalts the heartbeat, the anxiety and the desire to be, to have for being able to be, to be for having, and to be able to be compared among people that serve as mirror. So much horrid, so much we are horrid! To go beyond and when the beyond is feared, to return in the impossible come back, where the paralysis is the only companion. You proceed in the search of something pleasant and appagating in which to be able to mirror. Everything wants to penalize those who relaxe in the sun, in the perfume and doesn't acquit the responsibility of external impositions fruit of seductions and deceptions. The question asks a question to which the answer is a further question of specularity to the infinite. The solutions belong to the mirage, therefore we enter in to the mirage. Dasein (to be here) Lichtung (to the light) ontologically, everything as before but different, beyond the beyond: here.
Turin: 11-12-2005 Here, beyond the time of thought, of emotion, of opinion, of intention. Raw, ineluctable, sincere reality. Objects, words, spaces, over evidence, over need, over ideal, over respect, over harmony, over refinement. Speculative impositions imposed speculations. Predetermined globalizations, fragmented humanity. Words, driven behaviors, hypnotic associations, individuals secluded in profanation. Mediatic lust, Checked communication. Actions of existence inhibited. checked by the bureaucratic privacy you, him, us, exiled by the ideal, encapsulated by trendy. Superficial observatories of deep movements survivors observatories neopostidealists. Here, neopostidealism transfigures now the genetic passage of sale soul to illusion. The value is, like is essence emanation.

In 1988, David Wells surveyed readers of the Mathematical Intelligencer to get a sense of what mathematicians consider to be beautiful in their field. He provided a ballot listing 24 famous theorems. The results were published in 1990. Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) was responsible for three of the top five choices.
The equation appears in the Introduction Leonard Euler, published in Lausanne in 1748.
The readers ranked Euler's relation linking e, pi, and i as the most beautiful equation in mathematics.
eiπ = -1
It was Euler himself who introduced the constant 2.718281828459 . . . to the mathematical world as the base of natural logarithms and designated it, "for the sake of brevity," e. Euler's relation follows from his discovery of the following remarkable identity (for any real x), when x = π.

eiπ = cos x +i sin x
Of course, Euler's relation can be rewritten as
eiπ + 1 = 0.
"As math professors are fond of observing, this equation assembles the five most important constants in mathematics," William Dunham points out in his book Euler: The Master of Us All.
· 0—the additive identity.
· 1—the multiplicative identity.
· π—the circular constant.
· e—the base of the natural logarithms.
· i—the imaginary unit the complex number whose square is -1.
if x = π., then
eiπ = cos x +i sin x
and, for definition
cos π = -1
sin π = 0

follows that

eiπ = - 1

"That these five superstar numbers should be related in so simple a manner is truly astonishing," Dunham writes. "That Euler recognized such a relationship is a tribute to his mathematical power."
Of the world's most beautiful theorems, Euler's formula for a polyhedron, tying together the number vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F), ranked second:

V + F = E + 2.
Euler's paper on this relation, sometimes called the Euler-Descartes formula, played a central role in early combinatorial topology.
Coming in fifth was the sum of an infinite series.
This equation represents one of Euler's earlier triumphs. In the previous century, a number of mathematicians had tried and failed to determine the exact value of this infinite series. Numerical approximations had shown the sum to be around 8/5, but the exact answer proved elusive.
"Well into the next century the problem remained unsolved, and anyone capable of summing the series was certain to make a major splash," Dunham recounts. "When it happened in 1735, the splash was Euler's. The answer was not only a mathematical tour de force but a genuine surprise . . . . This highly non-intuitive result made the solution all the more spectacular and its solver all the more famous."
What two theorems kept Euler from capturing the top three spots in the survey? One was Euclid's theorem that the number of primes is infinite. The other was the existence of five regular polyhedra.
Euler is getting a lot of additional attention this year because 2007 is the 300th anniversary of his birth (on April 15, 1707), and there are various celebrations of his life and works occurring around the world. Dunham himself recently talked about Euler at public events at the Embassy of Switzerland and the MAA Carriage House in Washington, D.C. The MAA Web Site and online Journal Convergence have information about additional events.
e + 1= 0

eιπ +1 = 0 = 1+ eιπ
Symmetries and inner emptiness

Kajati Ottengo
On 03 - 01 - 2002

I made a project for a fountain to be proposed for the Olympic Games in Turin, I affectionately called it Olympic Light. I filed the name to identify the paternity with the trademark No. 000001. The Olympics originated in 776 BC at Olympia, took place for 1172 years in 294 editions until Theodosius abolished them in 396 AD because he considered them pagan. The modern Olympics resumed on April 6, 1896 in Athens through the assistance of the Baron Pierre Fredi de Coubertin.In 1999, under the Treaty of Nairobi, an economic group has obtained the monopoly on all names with the Olymp and Olimp root.I then get the intimidation from the CIO and CONI to withdraw the name from my Olympic Light project because the root Olymp can no longer be used without their permission. This group also stops the initiatives of the individuals who embellished Torino giving honor to this event by using this root. I think that when a power group arrogates the right to have the exclusive on a word that is part of the social "roots", it harms the human rights and takes away our freedom of expression. The economic prevision by the Apocalypse of John makes the logical, aseptic, anaffective and mathematician left brain prevail. The numbers have taken power and the 0 (zero) dominates the scene. So Neopostidealismo is born.